Wrswest's Songlist

11,702 songs in 242 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

2338 Fresh It Up!!! MINTi ECFA 2021 (08s DLC) 00:02:07 145 8
4516 Reality Distortion (Mitomoro Remix) Camellia vs Akira Complex Skittles Selection 7 00:02:21 75-150 1 3 5 9 11
12358 Artificial Intelligence Bomb naruto C's Mildly Malevolent Files 00:02:05 150 1 4 9 10 11
7503 Peer Gynt [Tier 2] cYsmix Technical Proficiency Exam 00:02:19 140 11
8741 Windows XP Shutdown Sound Microsoft Crapyard Scent 00:00:03 227 1 3 6 10 421
9124 [11] Kecak John Robinson ITL Online 2023 00:02:05 139 11
8032 Dramatic daydreamer [V] Ms. [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:01:58 175 2 5 11 16 5 11 16
3992 Perfect World Twice Koreyja 3 00:02:01 135 10 9
637 Star!! [V] CINDERELLA PROJECT Cinderella Girls Starlight Dancefloor 00:02:07 178 1 4 7 9 11
7548 Dragonball MSG joe#2 best of collection #5 00:01:58 75-150 11 11
4094 Fentanil Lega:c Mojo Brojo's Nefarious Streams 00:05:05 105 9 10 11 11 13
11756 [3340] [09] Twinkle (Medium) Aiobahn ITL Online 2024 00:01:41 129-130 9
2667 spring pony S-C-U ECFA 2021 (11s Day 1) 00:01:48 150 11
1658 Brazilian Anthem Berimbau '66 DDR Supernova 00:01:38 130 3 5 8 12 5 8 10
6183 Utopia of Oz sasakure.UK x OSTER project dimocracy 2021 - second term 00:02:37 150 2 5 9 11 13 11 13
6952 KiLLeR MeRMaiD QURELESS Touhou Kousaikai ~ Scarlet Festival Gathering 00:01:56 110-220 1 4 7 10 12
7882 So Fabulous !! [V] HHH (Ryu☆ & Dai) [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:02:01 149 1 5 9 13 5 10 14
9173 [10] Problem Ariana Grande feat. Iggy Azalea ITL Online 2023 00:02:20 103 10
5663 Shellshocked Defsharp Valex Sims 2020 00:03:12 69-168 14
10553 Feel it Still Portugal. The Man dimocracy 2024 R1 - Bee, Ex, or Eff 00:02:32 158 9
2627 Jeetvak Mr. Bill ECFA 2021 (11s Day 1) 00:02:14 135 11
3115 AM to PM Christina Milian Highflyer's Tech Trails 00:02:04 105 5 9 10 11
1095 PARTY ALL NIGHT(DJ KEN-BOW MIX) HiBiKi DDR A20 PLUS 00:01:56 135 3 6 9 13 6 9 13
10292 Assault! The Knee-socks Princess of Glass! monotone Valex's Magical 4-Arrow Adventure 5 00:01:54 185 1 3 6 9 11 11
4127 L'erisia (Primal Logic) Zektbach Mudkyp 4th Gen 00:01:46 234 11
2801 Vividly Impromptu BlackY ECFA 2021 (13s DLC) 00:01:55 161 13
11954 Devilz Staircase [V] OSTER project [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:01:52 185 3 4 12 16 5 13 17
9393 [FULL SONG] Journey Like a Thousand Years [V] hololive English -Myth- (prod. Farhan Sarasin) dekw's double-decker detritus 00:03:45 34-137 11
7578 Imperium Madeon Nefarious Streams 2 Beta 00:03:17 110 10 11 12 11 12
10556 BLVST BEVT Getty dimocracy 2024 R1 - Bee, Ex, or Eff 00:02:10 170 13
5924 Constipation Of Death PTSD Version Utsu-P feat. Kagamine Rin & Hatsune Miku Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 5th 00:02:43 110-220 3 6 10 13 15 15
2573 The 89's Momentum MYUKKE. ECFA 2021 (11s DLC) 00:02:17 128 11
1489 xenon Mr.T DDR Extreme 00:01:28 158 3 5 10 13 5 9 13
610 Liquid Logic (Nhato Remix) Protoculture Bracket Tendency beta 00:02:15 65-130 1 3 5 7 10 2 5 7 11
2748 POSSESSION TAG underground ECFA 2021 (12s Day 1) 00:01:48 185 12
9077 [12] Purple Perplex (No CMOD) Eagle ITL Online 2023 00:02:02 150 12
10870 Bak Snap Foxsky Egg Carton 00:01:56 130 2 4 8 11 12
4772 [15] [160] Nose Feeder (Easy) Wessanders Stamina RPG 6 Unlocks 00:04:34 160 15
9871 Isidora Bog Bog Orkestar dimocracy 2024 R4 - IdK 00:02:31 199 11
11853 [2000] [07] GET OVER IT ! (Medium) chilldive ITL Online 2024 00:02:20 136-145 7
3275 [08] me & u succducc ITL Online 2022 00:02:15 160 8
7546 Pilgrimage izna joe#2 best of collection #5 00:02:08 140 11
3882 Blue Dragon M2U Kerpa's Simfiles Playlist 00:02:02 128 9
3277 [09] Applause (No CMOD) Lady Gaga ITL Online 2022 00:02:14 70-140 9
4089 Signal (feat. Such) short cut rejection Lumi's Lighthouse 00:02:15 175 7 10 14
2976 (11) Succulynt coda ECFA 8 - Head to Head 00:02:10 105 11
5387 FAKE!FAKE!FAKE! FAKE TYPE Technical Showcase 3 00:02:17 110 11
6427 Riddle Bad Computer dimocracy 2022 R4 - 9 or 10 00:02:21 128 10
6413 Footprints Lokan dimocracy 2022 R4 - 9 or 10 00:02:25 180 10
10720 Aerolith Aurorablast [HAGANE REMIX] Qygen arr. HAGANE BLUE REVOLVER 00:04:53 158 9 12 14 15
Songlist last updated: 2025-02-15
Records 451-500 of 11,702
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.