Wrswest's Songlist

11,702 songs in 242 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

12757 Yozora wo Tondeku Yume wo Mite Chroma feat. Mikanzil ITG Level Asian 00:01:50 123 1 3 5 9 11
4652 [16] [184] Cybernecia Catharsis Tanchiky Stamina RPG 5 00:04:33 184 16
7890 Rensei ningen tricoroider [V] DJ SHARPNEL feat. Endo Sutahei [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:02:03 190 4 8 11 15 8 11 15
6152 Do It! House Rulez dimocracy 2021 - second term 00:02:18 129 2 4 7 9 11 9 11
12470 the MIRACLE [V] Kizuna AI (prod. MIZUNO YOSHIKI & Yunomi) Virtual Youtuber Pad Pack II 00:02:18 128 1 2 3 5 8 8
1759 You're Not Here [V] Heather DDR Supernova 00:01:47 70-138 3 5 8 11 5 7 11
11818 [3611] [09] Despair of ELFERIA (Medium) [V] Nekomata Master ITL Online 2024 00:02:11 205 9
8762 Castle Theme (Super Mario Bros.) Koji Kondo Crapyard Scent 00:01:03 136-225 2 5 10 11 16
2710 Brain System Ryo Arue ECFA 2021 (12s Day 1) 00:01:57 73-145 12
10489 Fly With Me Nina In The Groove Redux 00:01:45 135 10
4105 Alliance Televisor Mojo_s Bizarre Tablature 00:02:05 125 1 3 5 9 12 3 6 8 12 15
11574 Avantgarde Raimukun Lama Pack 2023 00:02:38 200 12 13 14 15 10 11 13 16
5495 Mischievous Sensation [V] ShinRa-Bansho Touhou Oumukan ~ Sakura Dream Sensation 00:02:01 96-192 1 3 6 8 10
636 S(mile)ING! [V] Uzuki Shimamura Cinderella Girls Starlight Dancefloor 00:02:05 89-178 1 2 4 6 9
6377 Noise Investigation 2 Mello dimocracy 2022 R3 - Five Artists 00:01:44 95 10
8074 Beat Radiance [V] iNO [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:01:53 192 3 8 11 14 6 11 15
849 Hoping To Be Good Bill Hamel & Derek James feat. James Rowand DDR 2013 00:01:30 120 2 5 7 12 5 7 11
1163 Golden Arrow Zekk DDR A20 00:01:46 170 4 8 12 16 17 8 12 16 17
2632 Like a Lady Pa’s Lam System ECFA 2021 (11s Day 1) 00:02:19 150 11
4624 [14] [192] Savior of Song Nano feat. My First Story Stamina RPG 5 00:04:05 192 14
7535 Last Hometown Nekomata Master joe#2 best of collection #5 00:01:50 108 10
4745 [14] [250] CODE-0 (CMOD) HEXA Stamina RPG 6 Unlocks 00:02:06 125 14
8551 Turn the World FN2 feat. peЯoco. Gensokyo Festival BETA V1 00:01:55 128 1 2 5 7 10 10
9842 [09] I Love You Baby Pandera ITG Eurocup 2018 - Doubles 00:01:40 100 9
9102 [13] Rebirth of the MYTH s-don ITL Online 2023 00:02:25 155 13
7667 Fractal Sephra's Paradox Down Arrow Memes 00:01:43 140 13
6637 Ghostly Parapara Ship (Hardcore Edit) [V] t+pazolite Touhou Mahouyou ~ Magical Dance Phantasm 00:01:51 175 2 3 6 9 11
10413 The Man With The Tuxedo Club Select In The Groove Redux 00:01:46 125 10
2754 Ragnarok PSYQUI ECFA 2021 (12s Day 1) 00:02:15 128 12
10101 [M] How we Frustrate Benjamin at a Funeral Various Artists Freyja's Grimoire 00:08:01 128 11 12 14 13
11436 [6506] [12] Idol (Aniki ga Poojingu de Danpa Ver.) Piyodan & Jea ITL Online 2024 Unlocks - WRSW 00:02:04 181 12
9384 Bug [Tier 4] Kairiki Bear ft. 25-ji, Nightcord de. Technical Proficiency Exam 2 00:02:08 186 12
10784 Forever Young (Everlasting Mix) Ella DDR ULTRAMIX4 00:01:44 140 1 3 5 8 1 3 5 8
2969 (11) Understand (No CMOD) Srezcat ECFA 8 - Head to Head 00:02:40 90-180 11
12810 You Should Know Nickster Doubles Tournament Expansion v12 00:01:58 118 11
9743 La'qryma of the Wasteland [V] DJ Noriken [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:02:10 84-168 5 9 13 16 10 14 17
3444 [12] Take Me To Pleasure Island Shirobon ITL Online 2022 00:01:53 145 12
5910 Akari Has Arrived [V] GYARI feat. Kizuna Akari Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 5th 00:02:26 136 1 3 6 8 10
1430 CARTOON HEROES (Speedy Mix) BARBIE YOUNG DDR Extreme 00:01:32 170 1 4 7 9 4 7 9
10900 Come To m1dy m1dy DDR A3 00:01:41 113-450 6 11 15 17 18 11 15 17 18
12807 Bounce Trippy Dustvoxx Doubles Tournament Expansion v12 00:01:48 185 12
10646 Usseewa [V] Ado [DDR]forcednature's OTOGE FUSION 00:02:15 178 2 6 10 14 6 10 14
11742 [5931] [11] Just Accept pengaton ITL Online 2024 00:02:16 160 11
9148 [12] Brains Out Error ITL Online 2023 00:01:44 178 12
12580 Macuilxochitl (Latin Jazz Mix) technoplanet LamaBeats 01 00:01:59 156 1 4 8 11 15 4 9 11 15
6511 Digital Skipper Expander global namespace 00:02:02 150 11
6381 Rosa azuL lapix dimocracy 2022 R3 - Five Artists 00:01:54 155 13
1157 ENDLESS FN2(Eurobeat Union) DDR A20 00:01:56 150 2 6 9 13 6 9 13
3758 Bouff [V] Machinae Supremacy In The Groove 00:01:55 200 1 5 7 9 10 5 7 9 10
1149 CyberConnect Blacklolita DDR A20 00:01:58 150 2 7 11 15 17 7 11 15 17
Songlist last updated: 2025-02-15
Records 651-700 of 11,702
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.