Wrswest's Songlist

11,702 songs in 242 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

4614 [14] [143] Eskimo & Icebird Megamix Eskimo & Icebird Stamina RPG 5 00:18:18 140-143 14
145 Outbreak Zomboy 7guys1pack 00:02:02 140 1 2 5 9 12
9154 [10] Split The Atom (No CMOD) Noisia ITL Online 2023 00:01:55 125 10
3925 Stick Em DJ Isaac & Crystal Lake Kingly's Excellent Mix 3 00:01:58 128 7 9 10
7629 Heavens and the Earth The Lonely Hearts DDR A3 00:02:07 70 2 5 7 11 5 8 11
923 Crimson Gate [V] Kudo Kichizo (Basis Cape) DDR 2014 00:01:52 198 3 7 10 13 6 9 12
5406 0. Prelude Tale of the Leviathan Jarvis9999 The Retelling of the Leviathan 00:02:27 135 11
8009 EVANESCENT [V] SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:02:01 127-165 4 9 13 16 9 13 17
10366 EON BREAK Virtual Self Tachyon Eta 00:01:41 178 12 13 14 15
10612 Samsa 25-ji, Nightcord de. × KAITO dimocracy 2024 R1 - Bee, Ex, or Eff 00:01:51 121 10
5190 Those Who Fight Further S.S.H. Tachyon Beta 00:02:51 184 14
11568 CRITICATION Kagetora. Lama Pack 2023 00:04:59 93-148 11 14
10969 Aftermath BEMANI Sound Team "Nekomata Master & Asaki & Yvya" DDR A20 PLUS 00:02:14 200 5 9 12 16 9 12 16
780 [193] The party's starting! Yosk! Crossover Spectrum Part I 00:01:55 193 15 16 17
9798 11 - Neurobazaar C-MOD zircon ITG WC 2017 Double 00:02:17 130 11
10727 Yours To Command Rupesh Cartel DDR ULTRAMIX4 00:01:42 103-206 2 3 5 8 2 4 6 8
11250 My Dreams BanYa BangerZ 3 00:01:35 272 13 19 21 23
10154 YARDIE JOYRYDE Maxx Simz #2 00:02:15 140 2 4 8 10 11
1314 Grand Chariot xi DDR A 00:02:04 191 3 7 11 13 7 11 13
4005 [Marathon] Olenji 145 Various Koreyja 3 00:10:17 145 11 13 13
3760 Changes [V] Rivera & Haze In The Groove 00:02:03 125 1 2 4 7 1 5 8
10510 Do U Love Me DJ Doo In The Groove Redux 00:02:00 133 8 10
5380 Wowie Zowie! Hommarju Technical Showcase 3 00:01:47 128 13 13
11142 [12] [125] Running In The Dark (Hard) Arknights OST MONKEY MAJIK Stamina RPG 8 00:03:41 125 12
1401 Start a New Day Sota F. DDR A 00:01:54 168 3 6 11 15 16 7 11 15 16
9819 [10] Jungle Temple t+pazolite ITG Eurocup 2018 - Doubles 00:02:02 128-160 10
3033 Koi Wa Chaos no Shimobe Medley Ushirokara Haiyoritai G mixed and mashed by Truongasm Fun-Sized Doubles 00:03:57 158 10 10
10897 9th Outburst Zekk DDR A3 00:01:55 82-163 3 7 11 15 7 11 15
11248 Groove 2001 Sho-T feat.Brenda BangerZ 3 00:01:32 280 23 24
2465 Twilight [V] KaW ECFA 2021 (10s DLC) 00:01:49 136 10
11437 [6417] [12] Chemical Colours (Hard) Blacklolita x BEMANI Sound Team "Expander" ITL Online 2024 Unlocks - WRSW 00:02:03 175 12
7441 ooi o2i3 dimocracy 2022 R5 - Up or down 00:02:00 216 14
11665 [7786] [13] Shocked (ft. Armanni Reign) Franky Nuts ITL Online 2024 00:02:29 145 13
9268 [09] Run Up Kuuro ITL Online 2023 00:02:04 106 9
9137 [11] Exoseven PSYQUO vs. PTB10 ITL Online 2023 00:02:20 112 11
1063 Hyper Bomb Yunosuke DDR A20 PLUS 00:01:56 160 3 7 11 15 6 11 15
1253 Nanahoshi S-C-U DDR A3 00:01:40 166 2 6 11 15 6 11 15
10378 Kimi no heart ni lock-on [V] Dr.Honda [DDR]forcednature's OTOGE FUSION 00:02:08 260 4 8 12 15 18 9 12 15 18
9078 [12] The Terrorist Dustvoxx ITL Online 2023 00:02:23 125 12
11873 [1621] [07] New Game (Medium) Nitro Fun ITL Online 2024 00:02:27 128 7
10978 [12] [126] Renai Circulation FB 126 Kana Hanazawa Stamina RPG 8 Unlocks - WRSW 00:04:04 126 12
3559 Pick Me Up & Tango [V] Nina In The Groove 2 00:01:48 133 1 3 6 8 3 6 8
41 Dance with Cannibals (Auratic Remix) Wildpuppet 5guys1pack 00:02:04 110 1 3 6 8 10
5525 Synthesized Ego Jerico Touhou Oumukan ~ Sakura Dream Sensation 00:01:53 174 1 3 7 9 10
5984 World Calling [V] Shizen no Teki-P feat. IA Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 5th 00:01:44 125 1 2 4 6 9
11391 Abyss (sharp stepp remix) borzy Full Difficulty Doubles Sims 00:01:57 175 3 6 9 11
5414 Bad Apple!! [V] Alstroemeria Records Touhou Gouyoukyousoku ~ Touhou Pad Pack Revival 00:01:59 69-138 1 2 5 8 9
5420 Donations♥Please IOSYS Touhou Gouyoukyousoku ~ Touhou Pad Pack Revival 00:02:20 165 1 3 6 8 11
7231 SPEED BLADE L.E.D. DanceDanceRevolution XX 00:01:46 192-384 7 11 14 17 18 11 14 17 18
4920 [17] [190] Popcorn Pulsar!! Lolistyle GabberS Stamina RPG 6 00:05:35 190 17
Songlist last updated: 2025-02-15
Records 751-800 of 11,702
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.