Wrswest's Songlist

11,702 songs in 242 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

721 [165] DRAGONLADY Nankumo Crossover Spectrum Part I 00:01:53 165 12 13 13
5770 Resort Sunset Camellia Valex's Magical 4-Arrow Adventure 8 00:01:59 85-170 1 4 7 9 11 12
11900 Sakimori renka [V] Ax feat.Yoko Natsukawa [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:01:58 85-170 2 8 11 15 8 11 15
338 Inner Spirit lapix BemaniBeats 3 00:02:07 146 12
8032 Dramatic daydreamer [V] Ms. [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:01:58 175 2 5 11 16 5 11 16
12318 [08] How Long (Hard) Charlie Puth ITL Online 2023 Unlocks 00:01:38 110 8
9108 [13] Continuous Moment 影虎。 ITL Online 2023 00:01:57 154 13
3262 [08] No title Reol ITL Online 2022 00:01:58 100 8
7419 Animal [V] Neon Trees DanceDanceRevolution XX 00:02:12 148 2 6 10 12 6 10 12
1923 Something Special nc ft. Jasmine Nii DDR X3 00:01:51 95 2 4 7 11 5 7 11
9595 Unreality sky_delta dimocracy 2022 R7 - dimocracy dimocracy redux 00:01:52 174 12
1185 Netsujou no zapadeado Hinatabi Bitter Sweets♪ DDR A20 00:02:07 136 2 5 9 13 5 10 13
2550 Butter Sugar Cream Tomggg feat. tsvaci ECFA 2021 (11s DLC) 00:02:07 135 11
243 Don't Stop Valentino Khan Bangers Only 3 00:02:11 155 6 9 12
11637 [3440] [09] I Love Love You (Hard) (Love Love Super Dimension Mix) Guitar Vader remixed by Hideki Naganuma ITL Online 2024 Unlocks - dekw 00:02:28 145 9
6689 G-Free ~ Ultimate Dream [V] MyonMyon Touhou Hokyouso ~ Lunatic Dance Floor 00:02:34 182 3 5 8 10 15
12386 JACKPOT 777 KARUT Steps of Kivotos Vol. 1 00:01:53 138 2 4 7 9 12
2572 Super Wubtendo MDK ft. FamilyJules ECFA 2021 (11s DLC) 00:01:53 128 11
12430 Antinomia WHITEFISTS Inner Depths 00:02:58 175-185 4 8 10 12 15
4704 [12] [136] Hotaru (cYsmix Remix) Tanchiky Stamina RPG 6 Unlocks 00:03:56 136 12
9123 [11] POW! SWACQ ITL Online 2023 00:01:49 130 11
9850 Europapa Joost dimocracy 2024 R4 - IdK 00:01:48 160 10
2836 Out Of Love Shirobon ECFA 2021 (13s Day 1) 00:02:16 174 13
3109 VERTeX Hiro Highflyer's Tech Trails 2 00:02:05 158 6 8 10 12
1613 ME AGAINST THE MUSIC HELEN DDR Supernova 2 00:01:42 130 2 4 8 10 5 8 11
10804 YukiOtoko Kaneko Chiharu Egg Carton 2 00:02:28 256 3 7 10 12 14
1503 DIVE TO THE NIGHT RIYU KOSAKA DDR MAX2 00:01:36 155 3 4 8 11 5 9 12
6085 Puzzle Dust Tipper dimo's -V- selifmis 00:02:23 200 11 12
9228 [10] Heart Shaker (Hard) Twice ITL Online 2023 00:02:18 164 10
2583 Pulse Wave Intensifies Mameyudoufu ECFA 2021 (11s Day 1) 00:02:16 64-128 11
9745 Harpuia [V] BlackY [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:01:57 93-186 5 9 14 17 9 14 18
3741 Synth Synth Synth V-Band Selecta In The Groove Rebirth 00:01:37 228 1 4 6 7 10 5 7 8 10
5882 That's Why I Gave Up on Music [V] Yorushika feat. Rikka Virtual Youtuber Pad Pack 00:02:05 125 1 2 5 8 10
9428 Ye Hua Xiang Mosiman feat. Lao Mao ephemera 00:02:22 110 9
12252 [11] Scarlet Eyes Shibayan ITL Online 2023 Unlocks 00:02:08 128 11
4529 Cinderella Cage xi-on Skittles Selection 8 00:02:35 190 2 5 8 9 12
11579 A Race Against Time PYLOT Lama Pack 2023 00:02:24 110 1 2 6 9 10 7 9 11 12
4791 [18] [240] Whazashmup TheBoxX vs J. Arthur Keenes Band Stamina RPG 6 Unlocks 00:00:38 240 18
10504 Dragostea Din Tei (English Mix) [V] Lucas Prata In The Groove Redux 00:01:47 69-137 9
3924 Sharkventure!! かめりあ Kingly's Excellent Mix 3 00:02:36 118 7 9 12
1698 INSERTION(Machine Gun Kelly Mix) Thuggie D. DDR Supernova 00:01:47 139 2 5 7 8 5 7 11
4423 WHITEOUT SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN Kaneko Chiharu SDVX Station I 00:02:13 198 8 10 13 15
9340 Vainglory [Extras] Nhato Technical Proficiency Exam 2 00:02:18 115 10
9905 Opening the Gates to Dreamworld (Arcade Cut) Qygen BLUE REVOLVER 00:03:12 175 4 9 11 13 14
11685 [5195] [11] Roppongi Carillon Blue Roses ITL Online 2024 00:01:58 159 11
12078 Elbow Grease Ray Volpe, Soltan 9guys1pack 00:02:14 150 3 8 10 12 13
12270 [12] And Drugs↑↑ (No CMOD) lapix ITL Online 2023 Unlocks 00:02:12 125 12
7512 Pinwheel [Tier 1] Skybreak, Atura & THREESIXTY Technical Proficiency Exam 00:02:31 92 10
11689 [5852] [11] Watch Yo Step Joey Valence & Brae ITL Online 2024 00:02:21 105 11
10710 [18] [218] One Reason DWB (feat. Fade) Stamina RPG 8 Unlocks - WRSW 00:03:23 218 18
Songlist last updated: 2025-02-15
Records 901-950 of 11,702
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.