Wrswest's Songlist

11,702 songs in 242 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

5629 Throw your cards down Nhato Remix CYTOKINE Undefined Fantastic Original Simfiles 00:02:06 126 1 3 7 9 11 4 7 8 11
11840 [2406] [08] EBENEEZER GOODE (Hard) [V] SHAMEN ITL Online 2024 00:01:57 126 8
7499 Estella [Tier 2] Osamu Kubota Technical Proficiency Exam 00:01:42 114 11
2867 Horizon Sabrepulse ECFA 2021 (14s DLC) 00:01:53 160 14
6290 (You) Make Me Feel Alive KARUT dimocracy 2022 R2 - GG EZ LOL 00:01:46 125 9
12398 SAKURA PUNCH Nor Steps of Kivotos Vol. 1 00:02:03 128 1 3 6 8 10
8101 Alice in Misanthrope -厭世アリス- [V] LeaF [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:02:26 154-174 4 9 14 17 9 15 17
4210 pique Hoshino Music Studio Prickly Pear's Poppin' Pack 00:02:16 162 12 14
5705 Stars On Ice DusK & Rexy Valex Sims 2021 00:01:49 100 7 10
12677 Angelfish patirchev, Covered by Onrei, AO patirchev, Covered by オンレイ, AO Secret Stepfile Santa 2021 00:02:33 143 8
7177 Papipupepo (HSP Remix) Kanzaki Hiro feat. Shirakami Fubuki Kanzakihiro HoloStreams 00:03:20 128 9 10 11 12
10913 Steps to the Star BEMANI Sound Team "Coyaan & KE!JU 1%" DDR WORLD 00:01:54 124 6
1731 PASSION OF LOVE [V] NAOKI feat. PAULA TERRY DDR Supernova 00:01:42 78-155 4 5 7 10 6 8 10
453 Critical Crystal (brz_remix) Seiryu BemaniBeats 6 00:01:58 68-135 1 5 7 9 11
5601 Yuni's Nocturnal Days Camellia UPSMH Online 00:01:59 153 14
11280 [4601] [10] Dogmastic Domastic ITL Online 2024 Unlocks - WRSW 00:01:39 128 10
5142 Butterfly Twist Yooh Super Skittles Selection Turbo 00:02:04 160 9 11
11288 [6872] [12] Shamshir Blacklolita ITL Online 2024 Unlocks - WRSW 00:01:36 135 12
11618 [4395] [10] Talli Hua (Jay Dabhi Mix) Singh is Kinng ITL Online 2024 Unlocks - dekw 00:02:14 122 10
6940 Night Slips Ymaru Touhou Kousaikai ~ Scarlet Festival Gathering 00:02:29 60-180 1 4 7 10 13
10333 Hysteric night girl -Awakening- PSYQUI feat. Such dimocracy 2024 R2 - Rhythm Caucus 00:03:24 160 13
9320 [07] Baby (Hard) (No CMOD) Clean Bandit feat. Marina & Luis Fonsi ITL Online 2023 00:02:33 59-117 7
11210 [14] [160] Purple People Eater Pegboard Nerds Stamina RPG 8 - DPRT 00:04:20 160 14
7098 Blue RiraN Kingly's Excellent Mix 2 00:02:00 154 7 9 10
12360 $1.78 Schwank C's Mildly Malevolent Files 00:01:58 200 1 6 9 12 13 13
1487 stoic (EXTREME version) TaQ DDR Extreme 00:01:36 155 3 5 9 13 4 10 12
264 Take My Breath The Weeknd Bangers Only 3 00:02:05 121 6 9 10
6018 The Haunt Viperactive d21 round 6 - 666 00:02:25 150 10
1815 Melody Life Zhang Xin Yu DDR X2 00:02:04 172 2 5 7 10 11 5 7 11 12
9961 Nothing but Theory (More JazzFunktion Mix) lapix snekk's stamtech stuff 00:03:52 160 15
10856 Say Yes Or Say No Feed Me Egg Carton 00:02:05 128 1 3 7 9 11 12
9433 Vairocana 五条式改 ephemera 00:01:57 250-290 13
2354 CENSORED!! t+pazolite ECFA 2021 (08s Day 1) 00:01:56 195 8
11013 [12] [130] Heavydirtysoul twenty one pilots Stamina RPG 8 Unlocks - WRSW 00:03:55 130 12
7142 Sayonara Andromeda [V] Rin Shibuya, Nono Morikubo, Aki Yamato The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Starlight Dancefloor 2 00:02:04 178 1 4 6 8 11
464 Expanded!! Expander BemaniBeats 6 00:02:11 100 1 2 5 9 12
3596 Coming Out [V] Playmaker feat. Robin In The Groove 3 00:01:47 130 1 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9
6333 Synaptic 2ToneDisco dimocracy 2022 R2 - GG EZ LOL 00:01:54 160 12
803 TSUNAMI Finana Ryugu DDDAAA's Nijisanjification 00:02:17 130 10
2226 Koko Soko SMiLE.dk DDR X 00:01:31 140 2 5 7 10 6 8 11
2775 You're Beautiful lapix ECFA 2021 (12s Day 1) 00:02:27 150 12
1270 39 [V] sasakure.UK×DECO*27 DDR A 00:01:32 175 4 6 8 12 6 9 13
9948 Lunar Light Kanzaki Hiro feat. Himemori Luna Wrsw's Realm of Simfile Weirdness 00:02:56 138 12
2514 Monkey Dance Y&Co. ECFA 2021 (10s Day 1) 00:01:54 155 10
1024 Truare! Akhuta DDR 2014 00:01:50 183 3 8 11 16 8 11 16
10961 Kyouhan heaven's code [V] D-Evoke (Masato Yonamine / Sho Kohinata) DDR A20 PLUS 00:01:56 219 2 4 10 13 5 11 14
11568 CRITICATION Kagetora. Lama Pack 2023 00:04:59 93-148 11 14
5474 Final Savage Sister, Flandre S [V] BeatMARIO Touhou Oumukan ~ Sakura Dream Sensation 00:02:14 200 2 4 7 9 11
5275 Colltorn 742 Technical Showcase 3 00:02:00 168-182 12 12
10604 Your Affection (Daisuke Asakura Remix) Shihoko Hirata dimocracy 2024 R1 - Bee, Ex, or Eff 00:01:57 138 12
Songlist last updated: 2025-02-15
Records 10,201-10,250 of 11,702
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.