Wrswest's Songlist

11,702 songs in 242 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

1137 Alone [V] Marshmello DDR A20 00:01:46 142 2 5 9 12 5 9 12
11932 Get There [V] Yvya feat. Goryu [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:01:58 122 3 7 12 16 8 12 16
2707 Binary (Barely Alive & Virtual Riot Remix) Barely Alive ECFA 2021 (12s Day 1) 00:02:20 150 12
3460 [13] Beast Mode (No CMOD) TAG ITL Online 2022 00:02:11 195 13
3374 [11] EDM O'CLOCK TV Noise & Dillon Francis ITL Online 2022 00:02:19 126 11
3908 Exoseven PSYQUO vs. PTB10 Kingly's Excellent Mix 3 00:02:20 112 8 9 11
9977 Kaleido Laxeno57 Hubert's Hypertension 00:05:06 205-220 16 17
6738 Systematic Love [V] Camellia feat. Hatsune Miku Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 4th 00:02:23 136 1 3 6 8 11
9492 Fallen Angel (DJ Excuses Hardcore Bootleg) TIX ephemera 00:02:14 164 1 4 7 8 9
10180 Slash Waterflame, Teminite & Boom Kitty Kerpa's Simfiles Playlist 4 00:02:21 158 2 4 9 10 12
1362 Onegai darling [V] Matsushita DDR A 00:02:00 180 2 3 8 11 3 8 11
2425 Kurobeni sukui Neokomata Master feat. Karuka Shimotsuki ECFA 2021 (09s Day 1) 00:02:00 104 9
10559 GOODRUSH EBIMAYO dimocracy 2024 R1 - Bee, Ex, or Eff 00:02:16 185 14
12541 HiHi High Tension! [V] Natsuiro Matsuri (prod. Satoshi Inoue) Virtual Youtuber Pad Pack II 00:01:42 139 2 5 7 10 11
9911 V.L.S.I. Cranky Wrsw's Realm of Simfile Weirdness 00:01:45 160 1 4 7 10 11
9450 rainbow [V] ああああ ephemera 00:02:13 199 1 7 9 12
12083 Everybody Is Shuffling KAYLLY 9guys1pack 00:01:53 128 2 7 10 11 12 11
5272 C18H27NO3 Team Grimore Technical Showcase 3 00:01:59 210 11
5343 Resisting Our Natural Impulses Frums (aka wilhar.) Technical Showcase 3 00:02:02 126 12
10445 Pink Fuzzy Bunnies Wonderboy In The Groove Redux 00:01:48 112-211 3 6 9 11 14 14
9789 [13] freaky freak kamome sano ITG Eurocup 2018 - Doubles 00:01:56 145 13
9749 BLACK or WHITE? [V] BlackYooh vs. siromaru [DDR]forcednature's misc 00:02:01 93-185 7 11 15 17 11 15 18
9387 Good Sound United [Tier 2] Hommarju Technical Proficiency Exam 2 00:01:58 100-200 12
9577 B4U NAOKI dimocracy 2022 R7 - dimocracy dimocracy redux 00:01:39 155 13
669 BOSSY BABYPOWDER Club Fantastic Season 1 00:01:59 101 1 4 6 9 10 10
209 Heater YOOK!E Bangers Only 2 00:04:26 160 13
9368 LALA [Tier 3] Chroma Technical Proficiency Exam 2 00:02:21 182 11
3752 Y1 Draigun In The Groove Rebirth 00:01:39 107 1 2 5 6 9 3 6 9 10
11761 [3439] [09] SEVENTH HAVEN 7th Sisters ITL Online 2024 00:01:51 66-132 9
6328 Puritania [V] Dimmu Borgir dimocracy 2022 R2 - GG EZ LOL 00:02:10 166 10
10703 Brand New World [V] VENUS [DDR]forcednature's OTOGE FUSION 00:01:57 157 1 4 8 11 4 8 11
11189 Shiva Relect Mojo Doubles Singles 00:01:51 150 11 15
7785 Tokonyatsu☆tropical Dormir DDR A3 00:01:56 132 3 7 12 15 6 12 15
7357 Hard Examination Ice Bear DanceDanceRevolution XX 00:01:36 210 7 10 14 17 18 10 14 17 18
4489 Reality Distortion (Hommarju Remix) かめりあ vs Akira Complex Skittles Selection 6 00:02:21 85-170 2 4 6 9 11
5960 Ooedo Ranvu Giga-P feat. GUMI, KYO Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 5th 00:02:28 134 1 4 7 9 11 12
4102 Slaughterhouse We Are Magonia Mojo Brojo's Nefarious Streams 00:03:32 74-148 12 13 14 14 15
2887 REVOLVER sky_delta ECFA 2021 (14s Day 1) 00:01:45 160 14
11049 [16] [160] V.L.S.I. Cranky Stamina RPG 8 00:07:49 160 16
3031 Go Go Gadget Flow Lupe Fiasco Fun-Sized Doubles 00:02:07 148 4 6 8 10
7647 Environ [De-SYNC] (feat. lythe) DV-i DDR A3 00:01:35 160 4 9 12 15 9 12 15
11682 [6324] [12] memento mori -intro- (Hard) [V] Asaki ITL Online 2024 00:01:52 170 12
3042 ¿63HiiraossHuikgoeH53? Xenon Gensokyo Daydream 00:02:25 180 1 4 7 9 13 4 7 10 13
9351 Only You (@hikeii flip) [Tier 2] miss A Technical Proficiency Exam 2 00:02:13 117 11
6579 The Third Hope [V] 150-P feat. Rin Kagamine Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 00:02:38 140 1 2 4 7 9
11375 Magical Hide & Seek Snail's House Full Difficulty Doubles Sims 00:02:02 178-208 6 8 12 15
11594 [3677] [09] Brazilian Anthem Berimbau '66 ITL Online 2024 Unlocks - WRSW 00:01:31 130 9
9329 [07] 9mm (Hard) Foxsky ITL Online 2023 00:02:02 130 7
6400 Afterdark MYRNE feat. Aviella dimocracy 2022 R4 - 9 or 10 00:01:41 90 9
7 Chronos JAGGS & Dropgun 3guys1pack 00:01:55 128 1 3 6 9 10
Songlist last updated: 2025-02-15
Records 10,901-10,950 of 11,702
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.